Tuesday, July 31, 2012



  • 6 (approximately 2 1/4 pounds) ripe bananas
  • 1 tablespoon fresh squeezed lemon juice
  • 3/4 cup light corn syrup
  • 1 vanilla bean, scraped
  • 1 1/2 cups heavy cream


Place bananas in freezer and freeze overnight. Remove bananas from freezer and allow to thaw for 45 minutes to 1 hour. Peel bananas and place in bowl of food processor along with the lemon juice. Process for 10 to 15 seconds. Add corn syrup and vanilla bean seeds and turn processor on. Slowly pour in the heavy cream. Process until smooth. Chill mixture in refrigerator until it reaches 40 degrees. Transfer mixture to an ice cream maker and process according to manufacturer's instructions. Place mixture in an airtight container and freeze for 3 to 6 hours before serving. 

It's legit. Thank Alton Brown.

Monday, July 30, 2012


Sort of a weird experiment with cloned circles and clip masks. Chameleons always have a look of worry and confusion on their faces. This one is no exception.

There are things I like about this one: particularly, the horns. There's a weird sort of depth to them that just doesn't come across anywhere else. I guess that area is where my original concept shows through the most.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Friday, July 27, 2012


These retro-poster style graphics were a lot of fun to do. I was inspired by a tutorial I read over at SpoonGraphics. I say inspired because my program of choice just doesn't offer all of the same nifty features as Adobe Illustrator. Now that Adobe has made their licenses relatively-inexpensive pay-as-you-go experiences, I may be making the switch soon.

It's weird, because Inkscape has been so good to me throughout this process. I've had my fair share of troubles with the thing (anti-aliasing seams in my repeating patterns, for one), but I feel like moving on would be like abandoning it. I suppose, regardless of how I feel, I can't really do anything until I free up some hard drive space.

My personal portfolio has come up as a project once again. I now have so many actual projects and skills that I actually need to show off. So for now, I'm tabling my game design stuff and focusing on the portfolio and Adobe Associate Certification.

Actually, I've also been doing quite a bit of research on silkscreening...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


A concept taken from my tiny sketchbook at lunch today. Inspiration just sort of happens. Luckily, I try to have a pencil/pen and paper around for just that occasion.

Monday, July 23, 2012


A concept I was sure I had already done. Thank goodness for archiving.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


The truly great thing about vector objects is how easily they can be created, duplicated, and manipulated. There was quite a bit of experimentation with the placement of objects, sizes, and colors in this piece. It's kind of amazing what kind of shapes you can create with just circles.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Nothing profound or super interesting about this one. I just wanted to see how 'trace bitmap' would work on a low quality image from the internet. There's something kind of cool about the resulting image. Without the context of color, it all becomes more abstract.

My thoughts are all over the place tonight. I've done a little drawing and a little vectoring, so now it's time to work a little bit. I'm thinking about my portfolio now. That's a project I've been wanting to tackle for a while now. I feel like I have something to show off now.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Also known as K.K. Slider from Animal Crossing. I loved that first game. The way Nintendo made me care about dumb things like virtual furniture, picking fruit, digging holes, and showing up to the train station on Saturday nights to watch a dog play guitar - diabolical. But I did. The rest of the series is good too, but the magic sort of wore off after all of the hours I spent on the Gamecube.

I heard somewhere that Totakeke was based on Shigeru Miyamoto (you know, that dude that created Mario, Zelda, and a bunch of other sweet games). Sweet.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Honestly just tooling around tonight. Wasn't sure what I would end up with. This is pretty cool, I guess.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


This was a weird sketch. not sure how it ended up here or progressed to the point it did. I think I set out to make a pirate bunny or something. The eyebrow shapes were really fun to create and tweak for the right expression. There's something just a bit off about the final composition - something that keeps me from looking at it for too long. I think it might be eye-exhaustion from all of the white space. Hmmmm...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ukiyo-e Honda

Lots of ukiyo-e inspired stuff as of late. I want to look elsewhere for inspiration and travel out of my comfort zone a bit. Don't let me go back to the Japanese well for my next community project.

This E. Honda is kind of interesting. Not sure if it reads as the popular Street Fighter character in this particular style, but it was a lot of fun to make. The final sticker will be cropped in quite a bit and hopefully I'll be able to livetrace the hair to duplicate that effect.

I put a lot of pressure on myself to come up with something new tonight after that long hiatus. It's not a healthy way to work. In fact, it's a quick way to kill one's motivation to do anything. I don't work well under that kind of stress. I try - but I get too caught up in everything.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Stickers stuck...until tomorrow

My community project for vectortuts+ took a bit longer than expected. Hopefully, I made the deadline. This time I at least remembered to link to the daily project.

My 'studio' has recently suffered under scorching July heat. Rather, I suffered because of it. Looking into some ways to keep cool and continue to do the work...

Thursday, July 5, 2012


A preview of a sticker to come. I think this weekend will be a good time to catch up on relaxation and stickers.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


This is...this is me right now. Beyond surface thoughts, past the dumb jokes and forced smile, I'm struggling to hold it all together. Today was a harsh reminder of that fragility. To those who look at these pieces and support me, to my very best friends at work and in life, and those few who know me well enough to see this truth: you all help me keep it together more than you'll ever know. Your late calls, unexpected road trips, and strange/awesome/nostalgic conversations force me to remember my feelings.

The effect was created by drawing sloppy triangles over the standard oval and using the 'divide' path effect to break it apart. Each piece was given a white stroke, nudged, and rotated to get the desired result.

Once again, my brain scoffed at the simplicity and theme. I had no desire to create a 'bummer' sticker. Presenting it in such a cliche (in my mind) way nearly made me throw the idea out entirely. I stuck around to see how it would turn out and to get some experience with the 'divide' effect. I actually like the result - even if it is a little sad.

Monday, July 2, 2012


I love the Gameboy. In my lifetime I have owned one original Gameboy, one Gameboy Pocket (a transparent one), one indigo Gameboy Advance, and a red Gameboy Advance SP. Thinking back on that now, one of my very first experiences with vector stuff was a technical illustration of that Gameboy Advance SP.

Occasionally, I get an idea for a sticker that seems too simple or over-done. I try to think of a new way of presenting it or stretching it into a "better" idea. But that doesn't always work. What I'm starting to learn, however, is that if I don't do anything with that idea it tends to corrupt my ability to generate new ones. Tonight's sticker was one such idea.

I was having trouble with my original idea, so my brain replaced it with this one. "No.", I thought. "I can't learn anything from this, and I'm not saying anything with this." Then I remembered my other stickers: I'm not making a statement with my pigeons, Pokemon, or monster faces and I learn something every time I open Inkscape.

Tonight, I finally made a custom swatch for my stickers so I can access those particular variations of blue and yellow. I used the rectangle tool and uniformly rounded the corners to the specifications of the original Gameboy model. Then I converted said rectangles into free paths so I could move in the bottom-right-hand corner points of the outer-shell and the blue area surrounding the screen. Rounded-rectangles also form the speaker, directional-pad, select, and start buttons.

So I actually learned a couple things and came up with a pretty cool design. Take that, brain.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

NannerSplosion and some Art Directing


My last attempt at creating some pop-art comic explosion elements was pretty successful. This time, I opted to focus on the explosion part of it all and leave the text by the wayside. Feels like a success to me. Speaking of explosions - I had better start thinking of a cool sticker for the upcoming holiday (one of my personal favorites, by the way).

The mouth on the chocobo girl was really bugging me. It's such a small thing, but it is the difference between really liking and loving the piece. Now I feel like I have something to be proud of.