Monday, July 2, 2012


I love the Gameboy. In my lifetime I have owned one original Gameboy, one Gameboy Pocket (a transparent one), one indigo Gameboy Advance, and a red Gameboy Advance SP. Thinking back on that now, one of my very first experiences with vector stuff was a technical illustration of that Gameboy Advance SP.

Occasionally, I get an idea for a sticker that seems too simple or over-done. I try to think of a new way of presenting it or stretching it into a "better" idea. But that doesn't always work. What I'm starting to learn, however, is that if I don't do anything with that idea it tends to corrupt my ability to generate new ones. Tonight's sticker was one such idea.

I was having trouble with my original idea, so my brain replaced it with this one. "No.", I thought. "I can't learn anything from this, and I'm not saying anything with this." Then I remembered my other stickers: I'm not making a statement with my pigeons, Pokemon, or monster faces and I learn something every time I open Inkscape.

Tonight, I finally made a custom swatch for my stickers so I can access those particular variations of blue and yellow. I used the rectangle tool and uniformly rounded the corners to the specifications of the original Gameboy model. Then I converted said rectangles into free paths so I could move in the bottom-right-hand corner points of the outer-shell and the blue area surrounding the screen. Rounded-rectangles also form the speaker, directional-pad, select, and start buttons.

So I actually learned a couple things and came up with a pretty cool design. Take that, brain.

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